Meals & Snacks
Nature Preschool:
Snacks & meals will be provided with the following exceptions:
- For the first week of attendance, please bring a snack and/or lunch for your child.
(It is always nice to have a snack your child is familiar with as they become introduced to their new class environment, and new friends. After the first week, you may continue to bring snack/lunch if you choose, or your child may have the snack/lunch that is provided with class.) - Children with common food allergies need to bring a sack snack/lunch from home to help meet their individual nutritional & medical needs.
Snacks are provided for children attending 1⁄2 day & full day classes. We have a morning snack and an afternoon snack. Lunch is provided for children attending full day classes.
Adventure Camps:
Please bring a sack snack for your child each day with their name clearly marked on the outside of their bag or container.